grant proposal submission process 1 Application Cover Page Proposal Title Applicant’s Name Institution 2 Abstract Length: 300 words of less Purpose: Provide a concise summary of the proposed research 3 Research Plan Length: 3 pages (including figures) Contents: Background & Significance: Explain the importance and context of the research Hypothesis: Clearly state the hypothesis being tested Specific Aims Outline the specific objectives of the research Approach: Describe the methods and procedures to be used Preliminary Results: Optional but can be included, if available 4 References Cited Length: 1 page Purpose: List all references cited in the research plan 5 NIH Biosketch Length: 5 pages or less Purpose: Include personal statement, positions and honors, contributions to science, and other section as required by the NIH format 6 Other Research Support Length: No page limit Purpose: Provide details of other research support you are receiving 7 Budget & Justification Length: 1 page Purpose: Provide a detailed budget and justify the costs