Unlocking the Potential on Health Innovation


here is where the mission to

transform lives

through groundbreaking

research happens

part of it

FNDD Study


to empower and fuel the passion

of young researchers who are committed to

advancing our understanding of

Nutritional and Digestive Disorders.


& purpose

we were founded by a group of

accomplished senior scientists and

clinicians driven by shared vision...

To propel research programs that

pioneer breakthroughs in nutritional

therapies and address the myriad

complexities of digestive disorders.

In an era marked by an explosion of knowledge in digestive health, we believe that supporting high-impact programs is pivotal to enhance outcomes encompassing
In an era marked by an explosion of knowledge in digestive health, we believe that supporting high-impact programs is pivotal to enhance outcomes encompassing

ultimate goal

to profoundly improve human health,

simultaneosly supporting the advancement

of science , technology and medicine.

join our


Together, we can turn aspirations

into reality, transform lives, and

contribute to a healthier, brighter

future for all. Explore our grant

opportunities, support our cause,

and let's advance the frontiers of

science and medicine together.

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